Home Events Group Swims Social Events Full Moon Swim (July 2021)

Full Moon Swim (July 2021)

Celebrate the light of the full moon and come for an evening swim/dip and social gathering. 

Time and Place

This event takes place anytime after 7:30pm on Friday, July 23rd at Furry Creek beach. Sunset is just after 9:00pm that night, but it usually sets behind the mountains a little earlier. See below for additional location and parking info.

Swim Format

We will aim to get in the water once it’s dark out, but folks are more than welcome to swim earlier if they wish to get in a longer swim. You can also just come for the socializing and not get in the water at all. Totally up to you! Fire-ban permitting, we will have a beach fire, pot-luck style snacks, and the option to bring some adult beverages so long as we are responsible with driving and leave-no-trace.


There are no lifeguards at this beach. There could be motorized boat traffic, but they tend not to get too close to shore. Swimming wild is an amazing experience, but it’s not without risk. This is how we manage it:

– We swim within our own abilities, and need to be honest with ourselves about our abilities if we decide to venture out of our depth. We want to be out of the water long before we get too cold or exhausted
– We swim with a buddy, and check in regularly to see how each other is doing
– We each carry a whistle. If anything happens, you can signal for help
– We each wear a brightly-coloured swim cap (such as your SWS member cap!). This makes us easy to spot. A brightly-coloured tow float is also highly recommended, and can be great to hold on to when having a break out in the deep water
– We will sign in before we swim and sign out before we leave. If we don’t sign out, the volunteers will call us, then our emergency contact, then the first responders. This is incredibly important to make sure we can account for everyone
– We will have a first aid kit and at least one person trained in first aid present at every swim. However, this first aid person may be in the water and will not necessarily be able to respond promptly. We may also be far away from the kit as you venture out on your swim. 

Swim Gear

Each swimmer is responsible for their own choice of gear, but here are some suggestions:

– A swimsuit or swim apparel of choice (no judgement)
– A wetsuit (optional)
– A brightly-coloured swim cap or hat (mandatory for daylight swims; optional for night swims)
– Some sort of light (mandatory for nights swims). This can be a waterproof headlamp, a glow-stick in your tow-float, or whatever create way you can think of to be at least a little bit visible
– A loud whistle (mandatory; available for $5 at our swims)
– Goggles and ear plugs (optional)
– A brightly-coloured tow-float (recommended)
– Snacks and water (especially for the half-way point for the full iron distance)

Once you get out of the water, you might want:

– A large towel or two
– A mat or extra towel for standing on while getting changed
– A dry-robe, towel robe, or just a big towel for getting changed under
– Loose clothing that’s easy to pull on when you’re slightly damp. Buttons, zippers, or other fussy things that are difficult to use with numb fingers are not recommended
– Water shoes, crocs, or flip flops
– A warm drink
– A snack

Non-Swimming Gear

This is a pot-luck, which means we can share food around and have a good time. Please bring:

– a share-able dish or snack including a serving utensil, if required
– your own plate, bowl, cup, and eating utensils
– your own drinks (if you desire)

Please avoid bringing glass of any type, and come prepared to pack out everything you bring in. There may not be trash facilities nearby, so pack accordingly!

You may also want to bring clothing suitable for bugs, layers for cool nighttime air, and sensible walking shoes as it’s a bit of a trek to get in there. Portable camp chairs can also be handy!

Getting Here and Parking

This location is best accessed by car. Heading south on the Sea to Sky Highway from Squamish, use the right turning lane (signs for Furry Creek) to exit. Park on Beach Drive here. From this parking lot, walk back along the road you came on a very short distance until you reach the train tracks. Follow the train tracks south (turn right) until you cross the bridge across Furry Creek. Once across the rail bridge, you will see a paved pathway immediately underneath running parallel to Furry Creek. Take a right hand turn and link up with this paved pathway, heading towards the ocean. Take a right turn onto a gravel trail, keeping parallel with Furry Creek as much as possible. This gravel trail will eventually lead you to the long sandy beach at Furry Creek where you’ll find the SWS crew. Total walking time is about 10-15 minutes from the parking. Carpooling is encouraged.

About the Location

This is a beautiful beach with much warmer water than our usual Saturday swims at Nexen! Because it’s protected from most of the freshwater influx from the head of the Howe Sound, it stays about the same temperature as the lower Sound (13-17C perhaps). The beach entry is gradual, and you can stay within waist-deep water very easily if you wish. The beach is a bit rocky so water shoes or waterproof flip flops are recommended. The water is somewhat clear, meaning you can typically see the bottom in daylight.


There are no washrooms at this location. Therefore, be prepared to use the “facili-trees” for #1, and pack-it-out for #2. We will practice leave-no-trace for this swim, and bathroom needs are no exception! 

The Members only ticket sales has ended!


Jul 23 2021


7:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Members Only


Furry Creek
Swim Wild Squamish